Wednesday, May 18, 2011

This is the first post

First postest with the mostest!

Alas, my friends, I'm a wee bit tired from preparing for this most exciting and incredible adventure, and so I leave you with a few words:

1. thank you for deciding to check out this blog! seriously. I'm beyond appreciative that I have you as a friend, you beautiful creature, you.

b) Praise the LORD for this opportunity! This has been an incredible era of blessing in my life that I accept with open arms and a willing heart, in awe of God's amazing love and grace. He is so gracious and kind to offer me the very opportunity and adventure that has been on my heart! I love it! I love Him!

III. Here are some pictures from last year's trip to give you a taste of Peruvian beauty! These are from the site Kusi, the first site I will be traveling to this summer.

Mt. Huascaran - the highest mountain in Peru, and the backdrop for Kusi!

Lake Llanganuco - up the hill (giant mountain) from Kusi

 If I stay long enough, I may turn into one of these.

These are some of the boys, Mauricio and Royer. They love playing "Ninya" (Ninja)

Our team from last year with the boys, house family, and interns!

      Boys will be boys will be boys :) Roughhousing, wrestling, wheelbarrows, baseball bats, and the like!

Next update may be from the far far away land of Peru! Exciting! These next few days will be filled with busyness as my flight departs May 31. Please pray for smooth preparation! :)

Thanks again, friends, for all of your prayer and support Stay posted for more :)